Christopher Mallick Official Statements

The following are annotated Christopher Mallick Official Statements taken prior, during, and after the entire ePassporte crisis sage. Is he really the victim of an elaborate and baseless smear campaign? Here is irrefutable proof about ill intent and deliberately misleading statements issued by Christopher Mallick in relation to clients to this day still not returned ePassporte wallet funds.

Exhibit A:-

Christopher Mallick Epassporte

Christopher Mallick Epassporte Announcement

Exhibit B:-

Christopher Mallick Second Epassporte Announcement

Christopher Mallick continues reassuring..

Exhibit C:-

Prestigious Details Magazine did an interview with Christopher Mallick some months after ePassporte dissolved without clients like me receiving one cent of their wallet funds. Nevertheless, despite his commitment to ensure clients received their money, not much was said about the missing wallet money owed to account holders. Rather he used this as an opportunity to celebrate his new life and career as a amateur film producer with a company that he founded not long after his clients wallet funds mysteriously disappeared while under his care:


Christopher Mallick Details

Christopher Mallick speaks to Details

There you have it, folks. Christopher Mallick’s own words and failure to uphold what he signs his name to.

  • Christopher Mallick signs his name to statements which he cannot substantiate, and I as an account holder with missing funds can testify as being false.
  • Every single account holder I have communicated with has told me they have not received a single cent.
  • Chris, don’t hold me to ransom and tell me to take down this site expressing the truth in return for a promise to pay me MY MONEY. I believe that constitutes blackmail or extortion. I’d ask Nina or Michael but neither have so far done me the courtesy to a reply to any of my queries.
  • 95% are frauds? Nearly all account holders have been paid? Do a web search and show me one happy customer who has received their money!
  • “Paper is just paper”? You don’t believe in upholding a written agreement, Chris? Are you not a man of your word? Are you not trustworthy? Are you dishonest? I think the above speaks for itself.

4 thoughts on “Christopher Mallick Official Statements

  1. […] leaving millions of webmasters worldwide without access to their funds, despite assurances from Mallick himself that their funds were […]

  2. […] Mallick to reveal to his former clients the location of their wallet funds which as you can see here, in signed statements by Christopher Mallick himself, where kept “safe” and so we can […]

  3. […] leaving millions of webmasters worldwide without access to their funds, despite assurances from Mallick himself that their funds were […]

  4. […] In the example above, Christy Taylor Barnes registered for the express intent of preventing yet another victim of Christopher Mallick and ePassporte from exercising their right to free speech and their dissatisfaction with Christopher Mallick and his failure to uphold his word. […]

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