Christy Taylor Barnes is currently President of Oxymoron Entertainment and has held executive positions at previous Christopher Mallick businesses such as, ePassporte.
Christy Taylor Barnes is also listed as executive producer and co-producer for Camp Documentary and After Porn Ends, respectively.
As far as Middle Men is concerned, the film that ruined many of Christopher Mallick’s customers, her role is dubiously listed on IMDB as “Corporate Affairs Co-coordinator”.
According to IMDB..
“Southern California native, Christy Taylor Barnes is the President of Oxymoron Entertainment, Inc. Barnes is responsible for supervising the company’s overall administration, business affairs, legal and financial transactions, and oversees human resource activities. Over a decade ago, Barnes joined Christopher Mallick where she supported the businessman in managing and restructuring day-to-day operations for multiple fast-growing companies.”
Maybe the most damning proof of all is in her engaging in “cyber squatting“ or “image laundering“. Christy Taylor Barnes certainly has been a naughty girl. She is currently moon lighting as Christopher Mallick’s go to girl for reputation repair. Christy Taylor Barnes’ main hobby is picking up as many Chris Mallick domain names as she can. Effectively squatting them and preventing victims of Christopher Mallick’s crimes from sharing their stories and warning others!! DIABOLICAL!
[…] a online payment processor (similar to Paypal). The current president of Oxymoron Entertainment is Christy Taylor Barnes, former high up over at ePassporte and whose duties presently include cleaning up what is left of the […]