Shaliza Somani worked on Middle Men Film!
Shaliza Somani is listed as a co-producer on the film, Middle Men. Unfortunately this coupled with the fact that she held an executive position at ePassporte which makes her persona non-grata in my book. Sorry hun, nothing personal – just business.
In any event she is a person of interest as to the whereabouts of my money..
As per her “LinkedIn” page, Shaliza Somani lives in Etiboke, Canada where she is employed in web marketing or business marketing. She likes to call herself a “seasoned professional” according to her Twitter page with a whopping 24 followers and prides herself on having under her belt over “10 years of experience specializing in internet marketing, business development and operations management.” No doubt many of those spent at ePassporte, before funds were seized and made unavailable by Christopher Mallick to fund Middle Men which grossly under earned at the box office and left his clients who were completely in the dark as to the where about of their wallet funds, without a dime.
Unlike Christy Taylor Barnes, Shaliza doesn’t get a comprehensive a write-up by IMDB, but does get producer credits for three of Christopher Mallick’s films made over at Oxymoron Entertainment –