Christopher Mallick

Texas born, now Los Angeles local, Christopher Mallick is the Founder/Owner of Oxymoron Entertainment, Inc. Prior to this, Chris Mallick, created ePassporte – A payment transfer company where millions of dollars of clients funds went missing from their accounts. To this day, Christopher Mallick refuses to state the whereabouts of those funds or make any attempt to return these monies to their rightful owners.

Christopher Mallick Luke Wilson

Chris Mallick With Middle Men Star, Luke Wilson

(Pictured right: Chris Mallick, next to his new business partner, “actor” Luke Wilson)

Who is Christopher Mallick?

Full name: Christopher Mallick -or- Christopher John Mallick -or- John Christopher Mallick (JCM)
Other Aliases: Chris Mallick, JC Mallick, John Mallick, etc.
Date of birth: February 12, 1959
Place of birth: Texas, USA
Nationality: American, Lebanese heritage

Chris Mallick is the owner and CEO of ePassporte, N.V., based in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, an e-commerce company allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. The company has since liquidated and no customer funds have been returned by the owner, Christopher Mallick or any of the company’s executives such as Christy Taylor Barnes who hold positions at Mallick’s current operation – Oxymoron Entertainment and other ventures.

ePassporte offered a pre-paid ATM card in association with Visa and enabled its customers to maintain their US dollar funds, either in their ePassporte Wallets or Visa Virtual Accounts. The funds on the Visa accounts were promptly returned with little hassle from the bank where the funds were held, none of the wallet funds, however have been returned and are suspected of having been siphoned into Christopher Mallick’s above mentioned companies.

On September 2nd, 2010, ePassporte’s Visa program was abruptly suspended.

Since this incident, ePassporte account holders have been attempting to withdraw their funds via wire transfers. To this date, Christopher Mallick the owner of ePassporte has yet to process these wire transfers and it is widely feared that account holders’ funds, estimated to be in the millions of dollars, have been misappropriated by Mr Mallick and little hope remains of recoupment of the funds.

In 2009, Christopher Mallick’s other companies, namely Oxymoron Entertainment and Mallick Media, in association with Paramount Pictures, produced the movie Middle Men, with an estimated budget of $22 million. The movie failed to recoup its initial investment, grossing only $733,000 at the box office during a disappointing three week run.

His inaugural picture, Middle Men – a tasteless autobiographical piece made through his newly founded company, Oxymoron Entertainment, was a major box office bomb. His subsequent picture, Columbus Circle, fared almost as badly, but thankfully spared box office fans further torment and went straight to DVD. The current president of Oxymoron Entertainment is Christy Taylor Barnes, former executive at ePassporte and whose duties presently include tending to Christopher Mallick’s damaged reputation through his inability to answer questions from his former clients as to the whereabouts of their money.


Why Are You Doing This?
Christopher ‘Chris’ Mallick has not honored his written assurances that he will pay me what he owes. I am owed many thousands of dollars and am out to warn people who may be considering doing business with him or other dealings that they are at risk of having their money ‘disappear’ at the hands of Mr Christopher ‘Chris’ Mallick.

Does This Constitute Extortion?
FindLaw defines ‘Extortion’ as the following:

“Extortion is the crime of obtaining money or property by threat to a victim’s property or loved ones, intimidation, or false claim of a right.”

Nowhere on this website am I making threats towards any person or their loved ones, nor am I using intimidating or threatening language or threatening violence against any person or encouraging/condoning any such behaviour.

As for ‘obtaining money by .. false claim of a right':
Christopher Mallick was founder and owner of ePassporte, N.V since inception to the date of dissolution. My money, along with that of other ePassporte clients were kept in the ePassporte “Wallet” feature which was a special segregated portion of a clients account whereby the funds would be completely safe and at no risk of fraud or misuse, where it would have been if it had been kept in the traditional, Virtual Visa Card. Ironically, all clients who had funds on the ‘riskier’ Virtual Visa Card had their funds returned to them without hassle by the supporting bank –
 St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited

See here for misleading information provided by Christopher Mallick’s company, ePassporte, regarding the ‘ePassporte Wallet’

Extortion is the crime of obtaining money or property by threat to a victim’s property or loved ones, intimidation, or false claim of a right. – See more at:
Extortion is the crime of obtaining money or property by threat to a victim’s property or loved ones, intimidation, or false claim of a right. – See more at:

What Do I Want?
For Christopher Mallick to reveal to his former clients the location of their wallet funds which as you can see here, in signed statements by Christopher Mallick himself, where kept “safe” and so we can retrieve our monies as soon as possible. Surely the founder and owner of a company would know this information and would be kind enough to provide it to their loyal and often desperate clientele. Christopher Mallick or his attorneys are encouraged to contact me at and kindly provide me with this pertinent information at their earliest convenience.


4 thoughts on “Christopher Mallick

  1. Larry says:

    How could you forget Larry Chavana? He still is working the scam.

  2. Fraud Mallick says:

    I’m sure Chris appreciated you indexing that great photo of him and Luke. At least write something on it eh?

  3. Mallick memory loss says:

    I have it on good authority that John Christopher Mallick has gotten amnesia and he doesn’t even remember epassporte.
    When people ask him, he pretends to be confused and is not remembering.

    Its true what the comment on the other blogger site says

    “AnonymousSeptember 20, 2014 at 3:13 AM
    I just recently met him, he’s in denial about everything..”

    Chris Mallick memory must be erased.

    and according to BrightScope website, he still is the administrator other peoples 401k savings retirement plan, or at least he is still named as the contact person.

    Company:Oxymoron Entertainment, Inc.
    Plan:Oxymoron Entertainment, Inc. 401K Plan

    Plan Information
    Named Administrator J. Christopher Mallick
    Plan Year 01/01/2013 — 12/31/2013
    Effective Date of Plan 09/01/2005
    Net Assets as of 12/31/2013 $1,604,049
    Plan Number 1
    Plan Type Single Employer
    Did the plan file for an extension of time or the DFVC Program? Yes

    Participant Information as of 12/31/2013
    Total 46
    Total number of participants as of 01/01/2013 45
    Number of participants with account balances 38

    Financial Information as of 12/31/2013
    Total Assets (EOY) $1,604,049
    Total Liabilities (EOY) $0
    Net Assets (EOY) $1,604,049
    Financial Information as of 01/01/2013
    Total Assets (BOY) $1,408,575
    Total Liabilities (BOY) $0
    Net Assets (BOY) $1,408,575

    Cash from Employers $36,582
    Cash from Participants $72,301
    Others (including rollovers) $1,741
    Other Income $227,819
    Total Income $338,443
    Net Income $195,474

    Total Benefit Payments $142,751
    Corrective Distributions $0
    Administrative Service Providers $218
    Other Expenses $0
    Total Expenses $142,969
    Total Transfers $0

    If I was one of them I would transfer my money out of there to as fast as possible before mallick pulls some scam and tries to access it.

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